
My HVAC Hobby

About Me

My HVAC Hobby

Hello, my name is Nigel and I live in New South Wales with my partner and our three kids. I am really interested in HVAC systems. It isn't my job or anything, I just got interested in it. My friends often poke fun at me because of my unusual hobby but I don't mind. It all started when I visited my friend who is an HVAC contractor. He was working on a unit and he started to explain how the different components worked together. I was fascinated and when I got home, I took the cover off my HVAC system and cleaned it out. Since then, I have started to maintain and repair HVAC systems for friends if they can't get hold of a professional. I decided to start this blog to help others.

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Five Signs It's Time to Upgrade Your Apartment's Air Conditioning System
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As an apartment owner, one of the most significant

Why It's Crucial To Inspect Your Heating And Cooling System When Buying A New Property
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Air Conditioning For Large Spaces: What You Need to Know
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5 reasons to have a designated air conditioning repair service for your hotel
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Why Is a Reverse Cycle Air Conditioning System the Most Versatile Option?
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Why It’s Crucial To Inspect Your Heating And Cooling System When Buying A New Property

Buying a new property is a great venture. You're on the hunt for your dream space, ticking off the list of must-haves. But one essential item that shouldn't be overlooked is the heating and cooling system. Here's why it's crucial to have this system inspected before you seal the deal. A Comfortable Home Year-Round When you're settling into your new property, you'll want it to be a haven of comfort. A key player in achieving that is having a well-functioning heating and cooling system. Read More 

Air Conditioning For Large Spaces: What You Need to Know

Air conditioning is an essential aspect of creating comfortable indoor environments, particularly in large spaces such as warehouses, industrial facilities, shopping malls and event venues. Cooling these expansive areas efficiently and effectively requires specific considerations. This blog post explores the key factors to keep in mind when it comes to air conditioning for large spaces. 1. Proper System Sizing Selecting the right-sized air conditioning system is crucial to ensure optimal performance and energy efficiency. Read More 

5 reasons to have a designated air conditioning repair service for your hotel

Hotel air conditioning is a critical component of customer comfort and satisfaction. Unfortunately, air conditioning systems can be prone to failure or breakdowns due to age, improper maintenance or other problems. Having a designated air conditioning repair service for your hotel ensures that any issues related to the system are quickly and efficiently resolved. Here are five reasons why it's important to have a designated air conditioning repair service for your hotel. Read More 

Why Is a Reverse Cycle Air Conditioning System the Most Versatile Option?

When people think about air conditioning, they normally envision a machine that helps to keep them cool on a hot summer's day. Yet the ultimate device will condition the air according to the ambient temperature and be equally effective in the winter months. So, if you live in a part of the country that is certainly prone to a cold snap, why should you think about fitting a reverse cycle air conditioning system to your property — and how does it work? Read More