
My HVAC Hobby

About Me

My HVAC Hobby

Hello, my name is Nigel and I live in New South Wales with my partner and our three kids. I am really interested in HVAC systems. It isn't my job or anything, I just got interested in it. My friends often poke fun at me because of my unusual hobby but I don't mind. It all started when I visited my friend who is an HVAC contractor. He was working on a unit and he started to explain how the different components worked together. I was fascinated and when I got home, I took the cover off my HVAC system and cleaned it out. Since then, I have started to maintain and repair HVAC systems for friends if they can't get hold of a professional. I decided to start this blog to help others.

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Loft Conversions: Your Heating Options

Converting the loft space in your home can help you to make the most of the space inside your home. If you want to transform the loft space in your home so it can be used for another purpose such as an office space, an entertainment centre or an additional bedroom, you will need to think about how you heat the space. Read on to discover some of the options available to you. Read More 

4 Troubleshooting Steps for Your Ducted Air Conditioning System

When a ducted air conditioning system malfunctions, it can sometimes be difficult to figure out where the problem lies. These four troubleshooting steps can help you to identify the problem so you can either fix it or call an HVAC company to repair it for you. 1. Double-Check the Settings It might sound obvious, but before you embark on any serious investigative work, it is always worth checking that the settings for your ducted air conditioning system are correct. Read More 

Getting more from your air conditioning unit: 4 useful tips

Homeowners rely on their HVAC units during most of the year, and yet many don't keep up with essential maintenance tasks. This is particularly the case when dealing with air conditioning. There are many different components that work together to keep your home cool. Each part has a specific role that affects the efficiency of your entire unit. Therefore, you can get even more out of your AC system by paying attention to the sum of its parts. Read More 

Four Fundamental Factors Taken Into Account During Split-System Installation

DIY jobs around the house are popular among a good number of homeowners because they can save money by avoiding expensive repairs. But when it comes to the installation of major systems in your home, such as new air conditioning, it is inadvisable to risk DIY installation. Air conditioning systems comprise a multitude of components that require intricate assembly. Overlooking one aspect of the installation process will not only lead to malfunction, but you could even irreparably damage the system. Read More